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Bookings Appointment

Our tailored approach to scheduled appointments provides patients with flexibility to ensure a comfortable and effective medical experience. At Doctor Hub, our platform allows you to choose a preferred time with a GP of your choice to discuss matters you want to be addressed.


Scheduled Appointments For Convenience

Patients who schedule an appointment with their chosen healthcare professional can discuss a wide range of topics, depending on your current concerns.


Initial consultations: If you have a medical issue, are not feeling well yourself and want to start the process of understanding your issue in more detail an initial consultation will help you start that process.


Follow-up reviews: Scheduled appointments are a great way to follow up on previous consultations and discuss further options.


Discussion of test results: A scheduled appointment is a great way to understand test results, and having a healthcare professional on hand to discuss results and follow-up avenues can help ease any anxieties you may have.

Personalised Care Selection


Convenience at the Touch of a Button

We understand your busy schedule, and trying to fit a healthcare consultation into your schedule can be difficult. Whether you have a heavy work schedule, family commitments or even personal preferences, our ability to schedule appointments eliminates any stress. Doctor Hub empowers you with choice. After all, a strong patient-doctor relationship is crucial for delivering effective and personalised healthcare.


Comprehensive Consultations

As individual medical needs are complex and varied, scheduling appointments is an ideal way to discuss your health background and concerns with your GP without feeling rushed.

Follow-up appointments provide an opportunity to review treatment plans and monitor progress with a healthcare professional, helping you thoroughly understand the issues at hand and strategize next steps. Scheduled appointments with your chosen GP also ensure continuity of care, leading to more effective healthcare solutions.


Patient-Centred Care, Just For You

Scheduled appointments provide personalised, flexible care with continuity, ensuring you receive effective support and feel well cared for.